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How To Stop A Dachshund Barking

How To Stop A Dachshund Barking

Does your Dachshund bark at anything and everything? Do you want to know how to stop your Dachshund barking so much? Maybe you want to find out the reason behind your Dachshund’s barking behaviour? Here’s everything you need to know about Dachshunds and barking!

How To Stop A Dachshund Barking:

  • Work out why your Dachshund is barking
  • Teach your Dachshund how to be quiet
  • Acknowledge your Dachshund’s barking
  • Provide more mental and physical stimulation
  • Work on your Dachshund’s anxiety
  • Socialise your Dachshund more
  • Create a calming environment
  • Teach your Dachshund to settle
  • Reduce the time your Dachshund is alone
  • Create set routines

There’s nothing worse than being driven crazy by your Dachshund barking all the time. So read on to find out why Dachshunds bark and how to stop them barking so much.

Never use the advice in this article as a substitute for professional veterinary advice or treatment. I am NOT a Vet, qualified dog trainer or dog behaviourist. This article is based on research, personal opinion and experience of owning dogs over the last 12+ years. 

How To Stop Your Dachshund Barking

All dogs bark sometimes but, with the right training, you can definitely turn down the volume – especially when at home.

This is what you need to do:

Work out why your Dachshund is barking

Before you can teach your Dachshund to stop barking, you need to understand WHY they are barking.

For example, if your Dachshund only barks when you leave them alone, you need to deal with the ‘separation anxiety’, and not the barking itself.

These are the main reasons why Dachshunds bark:

Natural Instinct

Probably the most obvious reason is natural instinct! Dachshunds were originally bred as hunting dogs that would alert the hunter when they caught their prey.

It’s simply a natural instinct for them to bark to alert you to anything and everything!


Dachshunds can also be overprotective watchdogs that stay on high alert when at home. They feel it’s their job to bark to alert you if anything changes in and around your home environment.

As well as barking at anyone that comes to your door, they’ll also bark at squirrels and other yard animals, and anything they deem “dangerous” – like a tree branch falling in the yard or a leaf blowing past the window!

Not Getting Enough Exercise

Dachshund are a pretty active breed. So if your Dachshund doesn’t get enough daily exercise, they will bark. That’s because having too much pent up energy can make them frustrated and act out.


Dachshunds are highly intelligent and thrive on doing jobs for their owners. Whether that’s getting them up at the same time each day, fetching something, solving puzzles or learning a new command.

If they get bored and don’t have enough mental stimulation, they can start barking as a result.

Separation Anxiety

Dachshunds can be prone to separation anxiety. They’re pack animals that love being around people or other dogs, and some don’t like being left alone too long (or at all!).

If they get scared or worry you’re not coming back, they may start barking until you do.


Dachshunds are a territorial breed that can be suspicious of new people and dogs. They may bark if someone comes to the door or walks over to greet them at the local park.

Anything they’re not sure about or scared of can make them bark.


Dachshunds are a fun-loving breed that can get over-excited at times.

They might bark loudly because they’re happy when you arrive back home, or bark at other dogs when they want to run around and play.


Dachshunds will often bark for attention! They like to be the centre of attention and involved in everything you do.

If they feel like they’re missing out, they’ll bark to be seen and heard!

It’s important to note that you need to figure out the main cause of your Dachshund’s barking before you can you work on the solutions. Unfortunately, there’s no one-size-fits-all.

That’s because some Dachshunds may bark through fear or lack of confidence, and this type of barking needs to be treated differently to a Dachshund that simply likes the sound of their own voice!

Dachshund barking on blue background with speech bubble that says 'I'm being taught not to bark so much"
How To Stop A Dachshund Barking

Teach Your Dachshund How To Be Quiet

The quickest and easiest way to stop your Dachshund barking is to teach them how to be quiet, and what ‘quiet’ actually means.

Do this by teaching the ‘Speak’ command followed by the ‘Quiet’ command (in that order). You want your Dachshund to understand the difference between each command so you can get more control over the situation.

The way to do that is to get your Dachshund’s attention by knocking on the door to make them bark. Then wait until your Dachshund starts barking.

While your Dachshund is barking, hold up a treat and say the word ‘Speak’ in a firm but calm voice. Then immediately give your Dachshund the treat.

Wait until there’s silence and then knock on the door again. Keep repeating this until your Dachshund associates their barking with the ‘Speak’ command.

Next, wait until there’s silence and then ask your Dachshund to ‘Speak’. Once your Dachshund barks on command – you’ve nailed it! Practice this over the next few days.

The next part of the training is to teach the ‘Quiet!’ command.

So get your Dachshund’s attention again by calling their name. Then give them the ‘Speak’ command.

Once your Dachshund starts barking, hold a treat in front of them and say the ‘Quiet’ command. You want to do this in a calm but firm voice – no shouting!

Then, you need to be patient. Wait for the one moment there’s complete silence before giving your Dachshund the treat (and a big fuss!).

Keep repeating this process but gradually increase the time between the ‘Quiet’ command and giving the treat. That way you teach your Dachshund to hold their silence for as long as possible.

Keep using this command in as many situations as possible, especially before giving treats and food. Over the next few weeks, they’ll soon start to understand what ‘quiet’ means.

Dachshund on yellow background with speech bubble that says 'I've been taught to be quiet"
Dachshund Being Taught The ‘Quiet!’ Command

Acknowledge Your Dachshunds Barking

Another way to stop your Dachshund barking (especially if it’s territorial) is to acknowledge exactly what they’re barking at.

A typical scenario is that your Dachshund sees a tree branch fall outside in the yard and they start to bark. You shout at them so they bark more and more.

The reason they continue to bark is because they feel they have a job to do. To alert you to the “dangerous” tree branch in the yard. If you don’t react how they want, they’ll get more and more stressed and won’t stop barking.

By ignoring them, it keeps them in this high-stress mode where they feel they haven’t done their job of alerting you to the situation. This can put them on edge and make them even more alert!

The way to deal with this is to acknowledge very clearly what it is they’re trying to alert you to – however silly or small it is! They want you to see whatever it is, so go and check it out!!

So, if they start barking at a “dangerous” leaf that just blew past the window, walk over to the window, look in the direction of the leaf, and make it clear you have seen it.

Then, look at your Dachshund and say “Got it!” or a similar type of phrase of your choosing (just be sure to use the same words each time). This shows you fully understand what they’re alerting you to AND that it’s nothing worry about!

That natural overprotective instinct Dachshunds have to alert you to things can mean they’re constantly on high alert waiting for the next thing to alert you to or protect you from.

By getting off your sofa and walking into the same room as your Dachshund, looking in the same direction as the “thing” they are so desperately trying to alert you to, and then acknowledging it (“Got it!”), you’re basically showing them you’ve seen it and there’s NOTHING to worry about!

This can lower their stress levels and stop them being on such high alert all the time. The next time a tree branch falls or a “dangerous” leaf blows past the window, they may not feel the need to tell you about it.

Acknowledgement works particularly well if you have several dogs that all set each other off barking.

Over time, they should stop feeling the need to keep alerting you to so many things. If you keep telling your Dachshund you’ve “Got it!”, they’ll soon start to get the message!

Provide More Mental And Physical Stimulation

To stop boredom and pent up frustration, schedule more walks into your day. Adult Standard Dachshunds need at least 60 minutes of exercise a day and Miniature Dachshunds need at least 30 minutes.

Arrange walks with other dog owners or organised groups where your Dachshund can socialise and gain more confidence. Switch up where you walk too so that it stimulates your Dachshund’s senses.

Set aside extra playtime each day and create new fun games for your Dachshund. Get a snuffle mat and hide food in it or buy some dog puzzles.

Dachshunds particularly love games where they can hunt for things and burrow. So hide treats in your Dachshund’s bed and let them sniff them out. This’ll keep them occupied and stop them barking so much!

Dachshund barking while in the park with a speech bubble that says 'I'm being taught not to bark so much"
Dachshund Being Taught Not To Bark So Much

Work On Your Dachshund’s Anxiety

If your Dachshund gets distressed and starts barking when you leave home (or even the room!), don’t make a fuss when you’re about to leave or come home.

Get them into a set routine so they get used to you leaving and coming back.

Leave the TV or radio on low so that the house isn’t completely silent. And if you can, keep them away from the front door and any windows that overlook the road. That way they won’t feel agitated or stressed by strangers or cars that drive past.

Working on separation anxiety in a gradual way each day can really help with barking.

Socialise Your Dachshund More

Dachshunds can often bark because they’re not that confident. By socialising them more with people, places and everyday things, can help turn down the volume a bit.

For example, open the front door when the post or couriers come. If safe to do so, allow your Dachshund to greet people so they start getting used to the comings and goings of normal everyday life!

Teach Your Dachshund To Settle

It can be difficult for Dachshunds to know when to switch off and rest, especially when left alone too long on their own.

So make sure they have a comfy bed and blankets to curl up and sleep in. Teach them how to lay down (do this by first asking them to sit and moving a treat from their nose slowly to the ground).

By teaching your Dachshund that it’s a good thing to go to their bed and rest, can help them relax when you’re not around.

Crate training can be useful too as this creates a safe space for your Dachshund to go and settle down and sleep. However, crates mustn’t be used for long periods of time, only for short trips out and overnight when you can’t watch them.

Reduce The Time Your Dachshund Is Left Alone

Dachshunds are pack animals that like being with people or other dogs (or cats!) most of the time.

So if you need to leave your Dachshund home alone for long periods, then it may be a good idea to get friends or family to help you out or hire a dog walker or sitter.

This’ll break up the time they’re left alone for and keep them occupied while they’re waiting for you to get back home. 

Not only will this ensure your Dachshund is getting plenty of exercise, but it’s also stop them barking from loneliness or boredom. 

Do Calming Activities

If your Dachshund barks when they’re over-excited, then it may be a good idea to do some calming activities with them. 

Activities such as foraging for treats and taking time to let them sniff on walks (a sniffari!) can help them to relax and stay calm.

By avoiding high intensity chasing games like fetch, this can reduce their barking. These activities tend to wind them up and excite them more, rather than calm them down.

Create Set Routines

Dachshunds love routines and knowing what’s happening and when. Life will be a lot less stressful (and noisy!) if the same things happen at roughly the same times each day.

This can mean getting up, feeding, walking, playing and going to bed at about the same time so your Dachshund knows what to expect and when.

By doing this they’ll probably fall into a pattern of sleep in the times when they know nothing much goes on.

Having a set routine can make them feel more confident and less likely to bark out of boredom or anxiety.

Should I Shout At My Dachshund For Barking?

No, don’t shout at your Dachshund for barking. If you do, they’ll pick up on your stress or think you’re joining in with the barking and just do it more!

It’s much better to figure out the cause of the barking and then find a solution to suit. Along with teaching them the ‘Quiet’ command and acknowledging what they’re barking at each and every time.

Are There Any Positives To My Dachshund Barking?

Yes, there are positives to your Dachshund barking. They make the most amazing watchdogs and nothing will ever get near your home without your Dachshund alerting you to it.

This can be incredibly reassuring, especially if you live alone!

Dachshund barking on orange background with speech bubble that says 'I'm being taught not to bark so much"
Dachshund Being Taught Not To Bark So Much

Should I Use An Anti-Bark Collar To Stop My Dachshund Barking?

No, anti-bark collars are not a good way to train your Dachshund to stop barking and some can even be cruel.

By vibrating or shocking your Dachshund’s neck, you’re using punishment and fear-based methods to control them. This is not the right way to train a Dachshund.

Even though it takes a bit more effort, ‘positive reinforcement’ is the best way to train your Dachshund for long-term success!

Should I spray My Dachshund With Water To Stop Them Barking?

No, you should never spray your Dachshund with water to stop them barking – despite what many Dachshund Facebook groups say!

Spraying your Dachshund with water is an ‘aversive dog training method’ that uses fear or discomfort to change an undesirable behaviour.

Dachshunds generally hate being sprayed with water which is why they stop the barking when it happens. Some owners comment online that they only need to show the bottle and their dog will then stop.

Unfortunately, all this means is the Dachshund is now scared of the bottle and the water, which isn’t the best way to train a dog. It could even lead to distrust or more serious behavioural problems further down the line.

Even though using a spray bottle is a quick and easy fix that may scare or startle your Dachshund enough to stop them barking right away, it won’t teach them not to bark or how you want them to behave.

The only way to train your Dachshund properly is to get to the route of the barking problem and use positive reinforcement to correct the behaviour or tone it down.

This is where you consistently ignore or redirect your Dachshund’s barking, and praise or reward their silence to encourage more of it.

However, positive reinforcement training isn’t a quick and easy fix like aversive methods are. You’ll have to train your Dachshund consistently each day to get the results you want.

So there you have it! Dachshunds love the sound of their own voice but the volume can be turned down by teaching them the ‘Quiet’ command, acknowledging what they’re barking at, giving enough mental and physical stimulation, working on their anxiety levels, socialising them more, and setting up routines that make them feel more confident and secure!

What do I do next?

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